When You Should See a Dentist About Your Veneers
Porcelain veneers are the answer to quite a number of cosmetic dental problems, including chipped, discoloured or misaligned teeth. Since they cover your natural teeth with a thin layer of porcelain, they're an effective way to approve your appearance with little fuss. Nothing is perfect, however, and although veneers are a great solution to cosmetic issues, you might find a problem with them from time to time. If you do, it's important to know what you should do about your problem and when to see a dentist for cosmetic dental care.
Oh, No! You've Got a Loose Veneer: Here's Why it Happened and What You Can Do About It
Veneers are a fantastic way to cover up damage or just enhance your smile overall. However, because veneers feel and look so natural, you might nearly forget that you're even wearing them until disaster strikes. If you suddenly feel your veneer shifting -- or if it comes completely loose from your tooth -- it can spell serious problems for your smile. Below, you'll learn why it happens so you can prevent a loose veneer in the future -- and you'll also find out exactly what to do if your veneer comes loose.
How to Survive your First Month of Wearing Dentures
Even with the best dental hygiene practices, our teeth have an expiry date. When this happens, whether due to age, or trauma to the face, tasks like eating become a challenge. Most people organise for dentures because they bring back that beautiful smile, and it becomes possible to go back to chewing tough foods. The whole idea seems perfect until the dentures are in the mouth for the first 24 hours, your gums are sore, your jaw is aching, and you start wondering why you thought dentures were a great idea.
Making Brushing Fun For Children: Three Top Tips You Can Try Now
Many parents say that toothbrushing time is a constant struggle with their kids. Whilst you can do everything possible to instill great brushing habits in your child, all of those efforts may feel like a failure if your child has a short attention span or if they simply refuse to cooperate when it comes to brushing. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to increase interest in brushing by making it more fun.
How To Take Care Of Your Braces
Braces are an excellent option for a variety of people, giving them a perfect smile in as little as a few months. However, caring for braces can bring a whole host of unexpected challenges, from keeping them clean to knowing what to do if they break. This short article aims to explain how to care for your braces, from your daily routine to what to do in an emergency. Enhance Your Oral Hygiene Routine