While children are afraid of monsters under the bed or coal in their stocking from Santa, some adults are known for their slightly more rational fears of dentists and doctors. Likely stemming from a prior painful experience, it is easy to understand why a visit to the dentist (especially one for an emergency) can create feelings of anxiety or stress in even the calmest of people. If you have an upcoming emergency dental procedure or simply want to prepare for when the need arises, make sure to check out the best steps to ensure a pain-free, relaxing visit.
Tooth enamel is a hard substance found on the surface of teeth to protect them. This highly mineralised substance covers the outer layer of teeth. Tooth enamel plays a vital role in shielding teeth from decay, so you must do everything possible to prevent enamel erosion. While trips to the dentists are important for protecting your enamel, your diet could also assist in the strengthening process. Here are some foods that will strengthen your tooth enamel over time.
Children who suck their thumbs may be more likely to develop dental problems, such as buck teeth, a misaligned bite or a lisp, according to the Better Health Channel. However, not all children who suck their thumbs experience problems with their teeth. Typically, thumb sucking may become an issue if your child can't kick the habit by the time they lose their baby teeth; the way children suck their thumbs may also be a factor.
When hunger strikes quickly, your toddler may be attracted to the sugary or carb-laden snacks that are the worst for his or her teeth. Luckily, you can make snack time healthy and easy by creating a teeth-friendly monkey platter that is always ready to meet your child's urge to snack. Here's what you need to do: 1. Use an ice cube tray. Toddlers have relatively small bellies, and the slots in most ice cube trays are the ideal size to host a range of toddler-sized snacks or finger foods, and that way, your little one always has a range of healthy options at his or her fingertips.
Do you or anyone you know play rugby, hockey, ice hockey, lacrosse, baseball, softball, soccer, netball, or any of the many sports for which it's recommended that a mouthguard is worn? Most sporting shops, pharmacies, and department stores will offer a wide range of mouthguards at a price to suit any budget, but do these generic models offer the necessary protection? Your dentist doesn't just protect your teeth against decay, they can also protect your teeth against a misaimed hockey ball.
Hello, my name is Jack. I am now 79 years old. As you can imagine, my teeth have taken something of a battering over the years. I lost a couple of teeth in a bar fight, four more decayed and one had to be extracted when it became infected. After losing so many teeth, my dentist suggested that I have dentures fitted. I was worried about this but my dentist was really great. He helped explain the procedure and then did an excellent job. I love my new dentures and I wanted to start this blog to offer help to others.