What to Need to Know About Braces for Adults
Are you among that unfortunate but sizable part of the population that has to contend with crooked, crowded or poorly aligned teeth. If you have been considering having orthodontic treatment to correct one of these issues, you are certainly not alone. In fact over thirty percent of orthodontic patients in Australia are adults and these numbers are increasing. Here are some reasons why you should go ahead and investigate having orthodontic treatment, a guide to the options available and what to expect.
Why Today's Fillings Are Both Invisible and Stronger
In the modern era, any visit to a dentist is not too much about trying to salvage what's left of a tooth due to a problem, but how to effectively repair and replace, like-for-like. Decades ago, the dentist would have fewer choices when it came to saving these teeth and if they were able to leave them in place, they would often have to replace the decay with a far from ideal material known as an amalgam.
What To Know Before They Go: Caring For Your Child's Mouth During Baby Tooth Loss
Watching your child get their baby teeth is a momentous moment in their lives. This is the moment they change from being a baby to becoming an independent little eater. However, the next thing you know, six short years have passed, and the next momentous occasion in their dental development involves the loss of the baby teeth one-by-one as they are replaced with their permanent teeth. Caring for your child's mouth during this transition is important, as the gum area around the lost baby tooth is sensitive to damage at this time.
When Does Your Child Need To See An Emergency Dentist?
As a parent, it's sometimes hard trying to figure out whether your child needs emergency care or if it's a situation that can wait until the next regular business day. Take, for example, teeth. Teeth are not a part of the body you want to mess with because loss of permanent teeth leads to more serious dental procedures. So how do you decide whether you need to see an emergency dentist at a clinic like Dentists @ Muswellbrook Pty Ltd?
What's the Tooth Fairy's Rate Today?
The myth of a Tooth Fairy that leaves money in exchange for children's teeth is common around the world. Designed to make kids feel better about losing their baby teeth, the story goes that a magical fairy takes the tooth and leaves a small quantity of money in exchange. However, many parents find it difficult to decide exactly how much money their kids should receive for every tooth they lose. If you're struggling to decide how generous the Tooth Fairy should be in your household, the following figures may help.